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Covering the cost of childcare isn’t always easy, especially in the current financial climate. The UK government offers a range of funded childcare schemes to help lighten the financial load.
Take a look through all the available options to see what childcare funding can help your family


Cost of Services outside funding:

Weekday 8am till 6pm:

<2 Years Old  £7.50 per hour           2 Years Old   £7.00 per hour         3> Years Old   £6.50 per hour

Weekdays Before 8am / After 6pm:

<2 Years Old  £8.50 per hour           2 Years Old   £8.00 per hour         3> Years Old   £7.50 per hour

Weekend 8am till 6pm:

<2 Years Old  £9.00 per hour           2 Years Old   £8.00 per hour         3> Years Old   £7.50 per hour

Weekend Before 8am / After 6pm:

<2 Years Old  £9.50 per hour           2 Years Old   £9.00 per hour         3> Years Old   £8.50 per hour

Funded hours can’t be used before 8am/after 6pm or weekends


Children 3 or over,

Will be entitled to Early Years Education Entitlement funding, beginning from the start of the term after their 3rd birthday (that is, from September, January or April).

Your child’s birthday must be before:

31 March will be eligible for funded nursery education from the Summer Term (April)

31 August will be eligible for funded nursery education from the Autumn Term (September)

31 December will be eligible for funded nursery education from the Spring term (January)

Please visit Childcare Choices to find out what your options are.

Children aged 2

Some children aged 2 are also entitled to Early Years Education Entitlement funding.

Elligibility Criteria:

  • Income based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income support
  • Income related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credits and an income of less than £16,190
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guarantee element of the State Pension Credit
  • Children looked after by the local authority may also be eligible

Visit Childcare Choices to find out more.

Holiday Club

Holiday Club (school children) £35 per day Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm.

Corpus Christie, St Clements, Kings Park:

After School Club (includes afternoon snack) school pick up until 6pm £18.00 per session

Breakfast Club ( includes breakfast) 7am and school drop off £10.00 per session

St James, Poksedown, St Peter’s:

Breakfast club ( includes breakfast) 7am and school drop off £12.00 per session

After school club (includes afternoon snack) school pick up until 6pm £20.00 per session

Our additional fees cover the costs of some of the following however the list includes services, goods and extra activities below are an example list, but this is not exhaustive. 

Breakfast, snacks, tea, local trips, and outgoings dedicated sensory room experiences and art supplies, soft play centre apparatus.


We do know this can be very confusing and frustrating process thus please do contact our Nursery for any advice and help related the eligibility or application query.

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